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Beall 8 inch Buffing System - complete kit

Beall Wood Buff buffing system » » Beall 8 inch Buffing System - complete kit


(£77.46 excl. Vat)

Item code: bbs-bkit/8inch

In stock



The Beall buffing system is widely regarded as simply the best buffing system there is for wood turners, pen turners and woodworkers.

Based on the tried and tested 3-compound method using tripoli, white diamond and carnauba wax, this Beall buffing system kit is the 8 inch wheel version, and contains everything you need to get buffing, straight out of the box.*

The kit comprises:

  • 8 inch wheel for use with tripoli compound

  • 8 inch wheel for use with whire diamond compound

  • 8 inch wheel for use with carnuaba wax

  • Tripoli compound

  • White diamond compound

  • Carnauba wax

  • 5/8inch / 1/2inch combination adaptor for mounting on a motor shaft

  • All wheels include centre-hole hardware

* If you wish to mount your buffing wheels on a lathe, you will also need a morse taper arbor to fit into the motor-shaft adaptor, which then takes the place of a motor-shaft itself. You only need one morse taper arbor though, which will accommodate all Beall kit wheels and mops. We have them available in both 1MT and 2MT depending on your lathe.

What is the secret of Beall's success? Undoubtedly the wheels and mops themselves, which are made from just the right type of fabrics and in just the right densities to get the best of each of the three compounds.

We are proud to say that Beaufort Ink is Beall's sole distributor in the UK.

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