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Yunstone crushed stone blanks now in stock at a sensible price

Phil -  24 Feb 2015 10:00:00 Other articles...

We are pleased to announce that Yunstone blanks are now in stock. Made from dyed crushed stone set in acrylic, we are not allowed to say they are the same as Trustone so lets just say they are very similar indeed without the whopping price tag.

They can be worked on a normal woodturning lathe with standard tools, and finished in the same way as normal acrylic blanks. Priced at just £8.97 each, we have 6 colours in stock, with more on the way, and each blank comes with a free refill of your choice.

Yunstone - crushed stone pen blanks from Beaufort Ink
Yunstone - crushed stone pen blanks from Beaufort Ink


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