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Beaufort Ink at the G7 Summit. How cool is that?

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  25 May 2021 19:00:00 Full article...
Pen turning is a popular hobby amongst many, and a legitimate means of earning or supplementing a living for others. It has now found its way onto no lesser platform than the world political stage, and you know you’ve arrived when it’s you who’s been asked to make the pens. As part of the program to involve local and regional artisans to provide a range of products for the G7 Summit, from the chairs they'll be sitting on, to the coffee they’ll be drinking, David ...

Happy Christmas

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  22 Dec 2020 11:00:00 Full article...
As we near the end of this challenging, trying, saddest and oddest of years, I'd like to take this opportuninty on behalf of Beaufort Ink to thank everyone for your friendship and support thoughout 2020. As we all keenly await a brighter future, I hope that everyone is able to their uplift their spirits a little over the festive period, however curtailed your festivities might now be. Wishing you a happy, enjoyable and peaceful Christmas - myself and the team at Beaufort Ink look forward ...

Thread taps needn't be confusing.

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  17 Sep 2020 09:00:00 Full article...
There are choices to be made when you're buying thread taps for making custom pens, or so called kitless pens or bespoke pens. Unless you have a little engineering experience, it can be difficult to know the differences between each type of thread tap and what they're used for, so below is a simple explanation of each one, to help you decide which type or types you need. Essentially, there are three main types - the underlying tool is the same thing in each case, but some of the ...

Pen boxes and pouches - reduced to clear

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  6 Aug 2020 08:00:00 Full article...
We've got huge amounts of new stock arriving over the coming days and weeks, so we've been clearing out the dark forgotten corners of our warehouse to make room for it. Amongst other things, we've got a small number of pen boxes and pouches that are either slightly imperfect of that we no longer keep on the website - so we decided to reduce their prices and create a few bargains. End of line products are in perfect condition - there's nothing wrong with them, they are just, ...

All about IPG fountain pen nibs - they are not all what you might think

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  25 Jun 2020 09:00:00 Full article...
From time to time I spot ill informed and sometimes frankly misleading explanations of so called IPG nibs on line, including on occasions, on websites run by people selling pens and nibs. It seems it's high time then, that one of the most widely perpetuated myths about fountain pen nibs is dispelled. If you’re new to fountain pens, or pen making, or you’ve never looked into nibs very much, the following might come as a surprising revelation to you, and if you already have an ...

A great new concept in fountain pens - The Lethaby Ion is going places

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  8 Apr 2020 18:00:00 Full article...
It’s always rewarding to work with up and coming professional pen makers, several of whom go on to the giddy heights of commercial production. And so it is with the totally affable and multi talented Charles Lethaby, who is already well known in certain circles for his unique ranges of electric lighting, which take centre stage in many a posh hotel, designer shop and exclusive home throughout the land, and far beyond. Charles has now also applied his creative mind to fountain pens, and ...

The pen assembly press has come of age

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  27 Mar 2020 18:00:00 Full article...
We’d like to introduce you to our brand new pen assembly press - and what’s different about it, apart from it’s superb quality, is that it’s also capable of disassembling pens too. No more hit and miss with a set of transfer punches,  no more bruised knuckles, or components whizzing off into the remotest corner of the workshop, the pen press has come of age! Our deluxe pen press has the ability to assemble pen kits as well as dismantle them, all with the same ...

15% off premium plated Sirocco pen kits

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  13 Mar 2020 11:00:00 Full article...
We're having a bit of a clear out. We've decided to slightly change the configuraion of the plating on our premium plated Sirocco ballpoint pen kits, so we're clearing the shelves to make room for the new stock. Take advantage of our special offer and get 15% off the current versions whilst stocks last SHOP FOR PREMIUM SIROCCO PEN KITS NOW   Get 15% off premium Sirocco pen kits whilst stocks last.   Click HERE to order yours ...

DiamondCast pen blanks now fully re-stocked

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  4 Feb 2020 10:00:00 Full article...
DiamondCast pen blanks tend to fly out of our door pretty quickly. Why are they so popular? Well, if you’ve never come across them before, you won’t know that DiamondCast pen blanks are made from polyurethane, and coloured using iridescent mica powders, which produce a wonderful chatoyance inside the resin. Not only that, the major point about them is that they contain jewellery grade, real diamond particles, which result in an absolutely outstanding sparkle in the finished ...

What will Brexit mean for our overseas customers?

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  28 Jan 2020 22:00:00 Full article...
Whether you’re happy about Brexit or sad, for it or against, cheering from the rooftops or crying into your beer, the immutable fact is that the UK is leaving the EU this coming Friday. So what are the implications for our many, many customers who live in the EU? What is going to change when you buy from Beaufort Ink? Err, well, nothing actually. The situation is that when we leave the EU at midnight on 31st January, the UK will immediately enter into a transition period for the ...
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Beaufort Ink
Great Wotton Cottage Studios
EX17 5DL
Beaufort Ink is a trading name of Beaufort Ink Ltd
Company Registration No. 13302793
VAT Registration No. GB266698248

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